Photo: Trolltunga Active
Magical photos at Trolltunga
Trolltunga has become a very popular destination. Other hikers are likely to be joining you on the mountain, but there has never been a better time to take the long trek to Norway’s most impressive rock formation. There is plenty of space – and it is easy to keep a safe physical distance, also at Trolltunga itself.
Naturally, everyone wants a photograph to document the magic moment – just themselves standing on Trolltunga, the outcrop that juts out 700 m above the lake below. The good news is that, so far this year, Trolltunga has been delightfully uncrowded.
If there is a short photo queue and you have to wait a little, we suggest that you eat your lunch and talk to other hikers. You may hear interesting stories, learn about the other great attractions in our region and throughout Norway, and even make new friends.
When it is your turn, be considerate! Please limit your photos to just a few poses. Someone nearby will gladly take your picture – just ask.
If you have a fear of heights and wish to avoid climbing down onto Trolltunga, there is a simple solution: have someone take your photo with Trolltunga in the background. The perfect moment is when someone is just leaving the outcrop and Trolltunga is empty. (Some of the photos shown here were taken in this way.)
Stay safe! Always keep well away from the edge.
We strongly advise against the use of drones. Any drone use must comply with regulations and never pose a danger to others.
Please be considerate to your fellow hikers. For their safety, we ask you not to fly a drone when there are other people on Trolltunga.
All drone pilots should register via AVINOR’s website.
Sunset at Trolltunga in the autumn.
Photo: Eva Løvvas
Have someone take your photo with Trolltunga in the background!
Photo: Åse Marie Evjen