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Photo: Katya Graf

Do you dream of a wedding out of the ordinary?

Now you have the chance to get married on Norway’s most spectacular rock formation, Trolltunga! On Friday, June 20th, weddings will be held at this magical location. “We’re crossing our fingers for good weather,” says Inger Eitrheim Johansen from Ullensvang Municipality. Seize the opportunity to make your wedding an unforgettable experience!

Interested? Then be sure to register your romantic intentions with the municipality!

Photo: Katya Graf

Guided hike with an overnight stay

You can make your wedding day and night extra special by taking a guided hike with one of the two guide companies, Trolltunga Active or Trolltunga Adventures. This includes an overnight stay at their mountain camp near Trolltunga.

What could be more perfect for your wedding night than an exotic stay in the mountains! At the mountain camp, there will be good dining, with ingredients and beverages from local producers. If the weather gods are kind, you can enjoy a beautiful sunset while sitting around the crackling fire. And in the morning, they’ll have breakfast ready.

If you have any special wishes, please contact the guide company directly. They will do their utmost to make your dreams come true. Be sure to sign up early for these guided hikes, especially if you want an overnight stay in a mountain camp.

Photo: Katya Graf

Your wedding certificate

You must register and submit a valid Preliminary Wedding Certificate documenting that there are no obstacles to your marriage. Norwegian couples are usually able to obtain these mandatory certificates quickly. If either or both of you are foreign citizens, you should expect this to take up to five or six weeks – so plan ahead. Foreign citizens may need to prove there are no obstacles in their home country to this marriage.

To apply for this certificate, please contact the Norwegian Tax Administration (Skatteetaten).

Please note that every couple must apply for the Preliminary Wedding Certificate themselves. This certificate, which is an absolute requirement for getting married in Norway, is valid for only four months from the date of issue. Keep this in mind so that you time your application to the Tax Administration correctly. The Preliminary Wedding Certificate (prøvingsattest) can be found here

“Naturally, we can only marry a limited number of couples this evening, so be sure to sign up early. It’s first come, first served!” says Inger.

Photo: Åse Marie Evjen

Practical details

The day after marks the summer solstice, making this one of the brightest days of the year. The sun sets a little after 11 PM and rises again around 4 AM. We hope for a warm and beautiful summer day, but of course, we cannot guarantee that. Everyone must therefore consider the risk of bad weather and dress accordingly. Remember to wear sturdy footwear – it’s a long hike to Trolltunga and back!

NB! Descending after sunset requires a headlamp.

You can change into finer shoes and attire near Trolltunga itself. Two party tents will serve as changing rooms.
We encourage everyone to start their hike early enough and book parking at P3 Mågelitopp. Alternatively, you can reserve a spot on the shuttle bus to P3 Mågelitopp.

Roald Aga Haug, the mayor of Ullensvang Municipality, will be present from 2 PM on Friday, June 20. He looks forward to officiating several weddings at Trolltunga this year.
– You can, of course, bring witnesses, but it is not necessary. Representatives from Ullensvang Municipality can act as witnesses during the ceremony, explains Inger Eitrheim Johansen, who is responsible for all administrative processing.

Ullensvang Municipality does not charge for the wedding ceremony itself. Other expenses must be covered by each couple. We expect that, as in previous years, a photographer will be present, offering wedding photography at Trolltunga. Any arrangements must be made directly between the photographer and the couple.
The evening before the big day, we will hold an information meeting for the couples at Trolltunga Hotel.

And last but not least: Thank you for allowing us to be a part or your wedding plans, and for your desire to get married at this magnificent wilderness venue in our municipality!

Contact Ullensvang municipality

Inger Eitrheim Johansen
Phone: +47 900 55 126

Roald Aga Haug, Mayor of Ullensvang Municipality.
Photo: Yrjan Olsnes / Visit Hardangerfjord

The world’s first wedding on Trolltunga!

You will be hard pressed to find a more dramatic setting for your wedding! Ullensvang Mayor, Roald Aga Haug, has dreamed of this for years. On Saturday the 14th of August 2021, he officiated at the weddings of the first four couples to marry at Trolltunga.

You can watch these special events!
Tinna & Kasper:
Katarina & Fredrik:
Ina & Kjetil:
Njål & Lise:


Photo: Therese&Tor

Sara Johnson Melkeraaen
Photo: Yrjan Olsnes / Visit Hardangerfjord

Photo: Katya Graf

Photo: Katya Graf

Photo: Yrjan Olsnes / Visit Hardangerfjord

Photo: Yrjan Olsnes / Visit Hardangerfjord